Netball NI to launch changes in Coaching Pathway
Netball NI will be pausing the delivering of their current UKCC coaching awards as they transition to a new awards system.
The new awards will be aligned to the CIMSPA Standards (Chartered Institute of Management for Sport and Physical Activity) and certified through Netball NI.
Lead by our Head of Workforce, Rebecca Hope, who has been collaborating with experts in the field of coaching and development to bring this pathway for coaching forward for NNI.
Our new pathway will include an introduction of a Netball Activators award which will specifically target 14–18-year-olds and start them on their coaching journey.
Our pathway aims to empower and support curiosity and creativity in coaching specifically linked to those that you will be coaching in your own environment.
Our partners, SportNI will be introducing a Learning Management System and Netball NI will be the first sport to engage and utilise this platform, creating digital
and e-learning content to support the aspirations of our coaching pathway.
This system will launch ahead of the 23/24 Netball Season and will increase the accessibility of resources for both coaches and umpires and enhance the flexible
learning opportunities for our members to engage with during times which is suitable for them.
We recognise the amount of time, commitment, and dedication our coaches and officials give to our sport, and we aim to support their development
through increasing the accessibility and flexibility of suitable education.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss coaching or officiating, you can email Rebecca Hope on headofworkforce@netballni.org.