Netball NI ‘JobStart’ programme Recruitment
Netball Northern Ireland is a growing sports business which is ready to deliver a strategy that will enable the sport of Netball to flourish in Northern Ireland. We are committed to delivering services that support our members and will drive an agenda to help develop all aspects of the sport with the vision of becoming a top 8 ranked team in the World Netball rankings with a strong, cohesive school and club network.
We are recruiting several roles across Northern Ireland to support coaching in local schools, both primary and secondary, community and social groups. Planning, organising and delivering appropriate netball-based activities and programmes for schools and community groups.
The posts are funded directly by the Job Start programme.
If you are on UC, contact your Work Coach via your Journal. If you are in receipt of JSA, IS or ESA phone a Work Coach on 0300 200 7807.
If you are 16-24 years old, unemployed, not in education or training and not in receipt of benefits, phone 028 90726788.
The successful candidates will be required to attend a range of daytime, evening and occasional weekend events across Northern Ireland.
Community Netball Officer JD and PS
Community Netball Officer with Social Media JD and PS